Risk-Free Creative Production
Only buy the video ads you love and want to run in your paid campaigns. See your fully-edited videos before committing to any specific creator or production size. Our new platform and model cut production time by half, eliminating the need to revise creators’ work, fostering creative diversity and the cherry on top - saves $$$
Save money by only purchasing the videos you love
Save time and work by eliminating the need to revise concepts or videos
Creative diversity - dozens of creative minds pitch their ideas
The level of UGC video ads you won't get at
Proven Results
Your campaign is in good hands with a team that's produced high-performing ads for brands worldwide.
Expert Video Editing
Pro video editors who live and breathe direct response ads, providing you with engaging videos that you can immediately start using.
Authentic Creative Quality
Never just talking heads; our creators tell an authentic story around your product or service.
Global Reach
Produce authentic UGC video ads with local creators in ANY language, anywhere in the world.
Only Pay For the Videos You Love
Only pay with for the videos you love with our creative challenge model
Dedicated Customer Success
We'll assign someone from our team to be fully dedicated to your video efforts who'll make sure you're getting the best results possible
Dedicated Creative Production Team
The best creative minds from our team will work on producing high-quality briefs and guide your creators throughout the entire process.
Organic Posting
If you want your creators to post their final video(s) on their profile, we can do that!
Professional Revisions
Our professional creative team personally reviews every single one of your video assets, ensuring they're up to standard.
Raw Footage Included
Bambassadors provides raw footage alongside the completed video files.
Hook Variations Included
When we work with creators we require 3-5 hook variations that are yours to use however you please - if you'd like to replace a hook for ad testing purposes, you can go right ahead!
B-Roll Included
We require 3-5 minutes of product (or app/website) b-roll footage from our creators - this footage is also yours to utilize however you wish.
Real TikTok, IG and YouTube creators
We hunt and recruit the right creators for your brand. Billo is working with its existing pool of creators.
Professional Video Editing
Video editors at Bambassadors editors get trained in direct response marketing with performance data and platform best practice
TT Spark Ads & Meta Whitelisting
Bambassadors allows you to run paid ads via TikTok Spark Ads and/or Meta (Instagram/Facebook) Whitelisting.
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Tik Tok Partner
The creative partnership with TikTok will bring real-person ads and audience expansion
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